Cosplayer: Momo UmehasuAge: 19
Gender: Female
Started cosplaying since: 2009
Fave fictional character: Totoro
Hometown: Hanoi (Vietnam)
A Little About Me
It’s the first time I have a chance to join a grand cosplay contest like this.I want to give a special thanks to everybody has supported me in the 1st round and hope you guys will continue voting for me.
Cosplay 1
Character: Megurine Luka

Description: Luka -the first Vocaloid character that makes me fell in love. Yume miru kotori (dreaming little bird) is one of my top favorite songs of Luka, so that I decided to cosplay this version.
Photo credits: Dan Gyokuei
Cosplay 2
Character: Limited Delphine
Series : BJD – Dream of Doll

Description: Delphine's dress was my first cosplay costume. I had a lot of memories with it. And this photo was taken after 4 years I started to be a cosplayer like a way to make me never forget and pround of my first step in cosplay world.
Photo credits: Dan Gyokuei
Cosplay 3
Character: Hana
Series : GATE 7

Description: I'm really happy that my cosplay Hana has received a lot of support of you guys to give me a chance to be one of our finalists in the Otaku House Cosplay Idol 2012 Asia-Pacific category. So that is the reason why I chose an other Hana cosplay photo in this Finalist round because I want you can see how much I love and pround of this cosplay project and also want to show you all the beauty of Hana that was the resulted of my dear friends who helped me too much.
Photo credits: Dan Gyokuei
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