Samui Yuki : Fem Souji from Persona 4 Cosplay

Top 5 per Group goes to next round.
Voting for the qualifying round has ended.


Cosplayer: Samui Yuki

Character name: Fem Souji

Series Name: Persona 4

Comments: The Persona series has ALWAYS irked me as super interesting and unique~! And when Persona 4 came out and when I started cosplaying I instantly wanted to cosplay Persona 4~!
But because by then many people have already decided to cosplay as the anime version of Seta Souji aka Yu Narukami I was hesitant. Soon after the anime started showing more and more of Seta cosplays came up and I was starting to weigh my odds….then it hit me, Fem.

Country: Malaysia

Photographer: The very awesome—–>Hexlord



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