Vheii: Deuce from Final Fantasy Type-0 Cosplay

Top 5 per Group goes to next round.
Voting for the qualifying round has ended.


Cosplayer : Rivienvyl Vhreyja Vheii
Character : Deuce, Default uniform
Series : Final Fantasy Type-0



My first Final Fantasy series cosplay with friends. Me as Deuce, one of the Class Zero student that used flute as her weapon. Choose her because she’s the closest character that look like me and when I know her personality I’m so LOL! she’s the same as me in almost every way. Maybe this was the cosplay that I really like. Alhought not sewn by me, the fabric selection was by me. I try to make it as close as possible like the real Deuce in FF Type-0. Hope you like it! :)

Country : Indonesia (IDN), Jakarta
Photographer : Ryuudo Shijin Shigurenji


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