Cosplayer: K ShinichiroAge: 22
Gender: Female
Started cosplaying since: 2008
Fave fictional character: Hibari, Gintoki, Kanda
Hometown: Ha Noi, Viet Nam
A Little About Me
Hi, I’m K Shinichiro, a cosplayer from Viet Nam. I’d like to show my favorite characters in to real life and by my own thinking.I have a lot of memorable cosplaying times. Hope you enjoy my works.
Cosplay 1
Character: Kanda Yu
Series: D.Gray-man

Description: I must say Kanda Yu is my all time favorite character, and he is one of my best cosplay. I always feel comfortable and natural to express his personality and emotion, haha. Maybe that is because I have been spending several year to "learn" his emotion and he was also my first character. I actually don’t have much to say about the costume and weapon ;^; It took me a long time to make the DGM buttons and draw the Mugen,… Anyway I hope you like it.
Photo credits: Yami
Cosplay 2
Character: Hibari Kyoya
Series: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

Description: This photo shoot was taken when I was having a trip to Southern Viet Nam to attend a cosfes. After the event, a friend said to me: “There will be a shoot of a cosplayer tomorrow, do you want to join? I’ll pick you up. “ So i joined haha. Although I could not bring his Tonfa because of the flight, it turned out a really good photo shoot xD. It was raining for a bit but after that the sky and trees are so much brighter.
Photo credits: Mr T.Pham
Cosplay 3
Character: Yuri Petrov/Lunatic
Series: Tiger & Bunny

Description: I watched Tiger&Bunny anime again to know more of Bunny, yes i was planning to cos him. But instead of Bunny, I fell in love with Lunatic. His dark childhood has created Lunatic’s twisted personality. Yet he always follows his own rules. His rules, and Lunatic himself is cruel but he still comes to help the other Heroes in some situation. Painting the tight took me a lot of time, and for the costume i adjusted my father's old vest >3 . It's only ok for a shoot. When i took photos of his casual outfit, i wanted to express a prideful and mysterious person, so please wait for the Hero suit’s photo shoot to see his rebellion and craziness.
Photo credits: Kuroyuri Rokudou
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