Cosplayer: Kyn / MomokoAge: 23
Gender: Female
Started cosplaying since: 2009
Fave fictional character: Edogawa Conan
Hometown: Cebu, Philippines
A Little About Me
I'm known as Kyn at our hometown. I basically started cosplaying around 2009 in a school event where I cosplayed as Tifa Lockheart. From then on, I decided to continue on with the hobby.I've known cosplay since I was like in early highschool and was really fascinated by it and wished there would be an event here. I'm also a propsmaker and do commissions at our place. I'ts actually one of the reasons why I love cosplay so much.
I admit, I reallly suck at fabrics that's why I stick to armors and mechas and stuffs which does not involve anything on fabrics but even so, I'm still giving it my all on that field too.
Propsmaking is really fun.. and the pride of making your own costume and saving a lot from it since you just have to look for your own resources and make your creative mind work.
I do would like to thank everybody that voted for me during the qualifying round and would also ask you guys to support me on this last stage :)
Cosplay 1
Character: Steampunk mechanic
Series : original character: steampunk

Description : another one of our steampunk projects. this character is a mechanic type. this was actually our very first steampunk project. we made this for an invitational competition for an earth hour event where we are supposed to use scraps and utilize it into a costume.
Photo credits: ygie rosell aniban
Character: Leo Regulus
Series: Saint Seiya Lost Canvas

Description: what i love about this character is him being able to adapt to any situation quickly in combat just by observing his opponent.yes,i cosplayed this character because i was actually invited for a group cosplay and his armor also attracted me, especially the headgear. its not that fancy but it looks pretty good so i decided to make the armor, with paint not that shiny to bring a war stained look on it.
photo credits: melbranca/kazagami
Cosplay 3
Character: ragnarok gunslinger
Series: Ragnarok Online

Description: this is one of my dream cosplay which was actually put into life a year after planning due to some circumstances. i love the character and specially the weapon, the gattling gun. it was actually the very first big weapon ive ever dealt with which was the main reason why i chose the character.
Photo credits: kurt fick
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