Autumn: Ziggs from League of Legends Cosplay

Top 5 per Group goes to next round.
Voting for the qualifying round has ended.


Cosplayer : Autumn, MoonStone
Character Name : Ziggs
Series Name : League of Legends
Comments : My most recent cosplay I made was Ziggs from LoL. I love to play LoL and this character has a varry distinctly fun and crazy attitude that made me want to cosplay him, as well as playing him alot on league. I worked long and hard on this, and the large bomb ended up being destroyed by someone during the night while i left it out to dry, I had to remake the whole thing in time for A-kon.  But I did it and the new bomb was ten times better then the old one, and I had more fun then I have had any cosplay before. I made alot of friends and had alot of fun adventures at A-kon. I hope you all love my cosplay as much as I do
Country : USA
Photographer : Dinnerfortwo photography


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