Daniela Garofani: Dead Master from Black Rock Shooter. Cosplay

Top 5 per Group goes to next round.
Voting for the qualifying round has ended.


Cosplayer : Daniela
Character Name :  Dead Master
Series Name :  Black Rock Shooter
Comments :  The whole costume took about 3 months to make. I created the pattern for the dress myself, to create the flowers I had to gradient dye each  one carefully. Due to the dress having a fully exposed back I had to create a special harness to hold the wings without visual attachments. To do this I made a harness that went under the dress and allowed for the wings to hook on. The scythe is made from wood, insulation foam, a pvc pipe and fiberglass resin, overall it took 2 months to draft and create.
Country and State: USA, CA
Photographer : Surfsama


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