Cosplayer's Name: Ban ChanAge: 19
Gender: female
Started cosplaying since: 2008
Fave fictional character: sheryl nome
Hometown: Viet Nam , Ho Chi Minh city
A Little About Me
I am nineteen and i an studying in university , i have known about cosplay for 6 years ago , i love cosplay , i want to cos my favorite characters , i try my best to cos them , i can make costume by my self but not really good , so my friend help me so much , i appriciated , this is the first tiem i join otakuhouse so that i hope to receive your encourage and vote , thank you so much ^^Cosplay 1
Character: Athena
Series Name : Saint seiya

Description: I've read this manga since I was in elementary school. The character Athena has made a huge impression in my heart. She's Athena reincarnation, she always worries about the Saint Seyas and her people, she's willing to give herself to Hades in exchange for the Earth's peace, that's what I love most about her.
I made Athena's costume in a very short time, probably the shortest time I've ever done. The hardest part was the wings and the staff. Even though it's not perfect, but I've done my best. I hope I could have your support.
Cosplay 2
Character: Hanji Zoe Series Name: Shingeki No Kyoujin

Description: SnK is a great manga, and the anime version is even more well-buffed with all the special effects and motions. Hanji Zoe is the character that impressed me a lot. She may seems like an air-head with a huge obsession for Titans, but we cannot denied the fact that she's a baddass in fighting Titans. It's her maniac personality that impressed me, so I decided to make the costume and 3DMG with my friends. I think that I haven't potrait Hanji as fully as she really is, but I hope I can get your support.
Cosplay 3
Character: AthenaSeries Name : Saint seiya

Description: -
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