Cosplayer's Name: MikkittyAge: 21
Gender: Female
Started cosplaying since: I can't actually remember >< maybe around 2008?
Fave fictional character: Ranka Lee and Arueid Brunsetud <3
Hometown: Bulacan, Philippines
A Little About Me
Hi, I'm Mikki from Philippines. Just trying my luck for this one. I didn't have internet access via PC this past few days, and I also did not expect that I will qualify. I hope I can still make it? I would like to thank those people who voted me and also to my friends (Eissen, Lulu, Kim, Bonbonchi... everyone, really) who helped me with my costumes. I don't have sewing talent, but I would love to learn someday. I usually make my own props tho (again with help from my friends). I learn my makeup via YT (thanks random video uploaders). Please continue voting for me if you liked my cosplays ^_^Cosplay 1
Character: Asuna Yuuki
Series: Sword Art Online (SAO)

Description: Shot taken this recent AFA SG. Dolfie not mine :))
Photo: X-Light Photography (https://www.facebook.com/XLightPhotography)
Cosplay 2
Character: Rei Miyamoto
Series: Highschool of the Dead (HOTD)

Description: Taken last IOP 10 (Theme is zombie apocalypse). Location: PUP Sta. Mesa
Photo credits: Totodale Photography (https://www.facebook.com/DalePeriasPhotography)
Cosplay 3
Character: Ranka Lee
Series: Macross Frontier

Description: Wedding dress version. Taken last Otaku Expo. Ranka is one of my favorite characters. I like her attitude and she's so cute >_< **I like Sheryl's voice more tho**
Shot taken by Lightning Photography (https://www.facebook.com/lightningproject)
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