European Cosplay Finalist

Lisa Tavella's Scores

0 0 0 0 0
 Idol Factor  Cosplay 1  Cosplay 2  Cosplay 3  Total Score [?]The final score from the total of the other four scores.
To vote, click on the Google +1 or Facebook Like on each section.

Idol Factor [?]Idol Factor is very much like someone having lots of x-factor. Vote if:
(a) you feel a connection with the cosplayer
(b) you want to see / find out more about this cosplayer
(c) the cosplayer inspires you in any way
(d) you simply just cannot get enough of him / her!.



Cosplayer's Name: Lisa Tavella
Age: 23
Gender: female
Started cosplaying since: 3
Fave fictional character: there are too many in my heart how do I choose!!!! But I say ... rei ayanami from evangelion
Hometown: Turin, Italy

A Little About Me

I discovered this beautiful world from only 3 years old .. and since then I always have to sew and build something I can never stand still xD I will not bother to explain how beautiful this world, I just say that thanks to the cosplay I made experiences and met some great people that gave me a lot of satisfaction .. There is not anything more satisfying if you do not see your character come to life, and treat the costume in detail improving day by day their skills! That said I hope you enjoy my work!

Cosplay 1

Character: Mystique
Series Name: X-Men

Cosplay 1 [?]This is the total number of people that voted for Cosplay 1. Click Google +1 or Facebook Like to vote for this photo.

Description:I'm just saying that once glued latex prosthetics I have not piss for all day .... If this is not love for cosplay!

Photo credits : Manuel Moggio

Cosplay 2


Character: Tribal armor
Series Name: Guild Wars II

Cosplay 2 [?]This is the total number of people that voted for Cosplay 2. Click Google +1 or Facebook Like to vote for this photo.

Description : I love this feather! I did it with my friend erik, he did the male version ... We won best cosplay group to "picta 2013!

Cosplay 3

Character: Ryuk
Series Name: Death Note

Cosplay 3 [?]This is the total number of people that voted for Cosplay 3. Click Google +1 or Facebook Like to vote for this photo.

Description : This was the first latex mask that I made, I made the entire costume in 10 nights before the Lucca Comics 2012 (the day I'm at work) .. was devastating, I arrived in Lucca tired but I'm happy! I love the character and I love this costume! I won an award for the similarity in "Poirino 2013. A big thanks to my friend Andrea Sodaro who played Light Yagami and helped and supported me

Photo credits : ByZa

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