Cosplayer's Name: Laura Sánchez, Nebulaluben.Age: 26
Gender: Female
Started cosplaying since: 2008
Fave fictional character: Bender (Futurama)
Hometown: Madrid, Spain.
A Little About Me
Hi everyone! Thank you very much for passing by and thanks for your votes! I'm a big video game and cosplay enthusiast. I work on my costumes along with my boyfriend, Erik. He makes the props and I make the sewing stuff. Both of us enjoy making armors. The parts I like the most of cosplaying are crafting and photo shooting.Cosplay 1
Character: Darksteel armor.
Series Name: Dragon's Prophet

Description: This costume was a commision for the video game company Infernum Productions. We accepted their proposal because we'd always wanted to make a full complicated armor like this and this is not the type of costumes I'm used to make (I prefer futuristic and post-apocalyptic stuff) so we thought it could be an stimulating challenge. We made it in a rush! Itt took us one hard working month to make.
Photo credits: Jesús Clares http://jesusclares.es
Cosplay 2
Character: Lilith
Series Name: Borderlands 2

Description: I'd already made a Lilith costume from Borderlands 1, back then when I first played it. It wasn't a cell shaded costume. So, when Borderlands 2 was released, I decided making this one trying to imitate the aesthetics in the game. As a cosplayer I found it pretty interesting and fun to make.
Photo credits: Jesús Clares http://jesusclares.es
Cosplay 3
Character: Satele ShanSeries Name: Star Wars the Old Republic.

Description: This costume was love at first sight. Back then I was part of a stage combat Star Wars related group and I was looking for a SW costume to make. It turned out they released the SWTOR trailer and I immediately liked her. Plus, I was very lucky to find the perfect fabric for this project! I made this costume in 2011 and a few weeks ago I finally had the time to start playing SWTOR. I gues it's never too late!
Photo credits: Jesús Clares http://jesusclares.esndo Navarrete
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