Kristen: Terra from Teen Titans Cosplay

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Voting for the qualifying round has ended.


Cosplayer: Kristen

Character Name: Terra

Series Name: Teen Titans

Comments: Terra has been one of my top favorite characters since she was shown in a trailer for the episode she would be introduced in back in 2004 I think it was. I didn’t start cosplaying until 2005 but didn’t get around to cosplaying Terra until just this January (2013). Honestly, I didn’t make most of this cosplay. I did try to pay attention to detail though. Boots, shorts, top, goggles, wig, and contacts were bought. The belt and boot straps were made. The T on the top was painted on and I painted the black goggles I’d bought brown since Terra’s goggle’s are brown with blue lenses. I have two pairs of the same gloves. The ones I’m wearing in this picture are just normal and my other pair are rigged with LED hemispheres that light up yellow to give off an energy like power look.
My contacts are Korean circle lenses in light blue but on my dark green eyes they just appear very dark blue from a distance. Next time I will wear my white contact lenses beneath the blue ones to make the blue more vibrant.

Country and State: U.S. Kentucky

Photographer: My boyfriend took this picture of me with my cell phone


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