TATTO: Asuka Langley Shikinami from Rebuild of Evangelion: 3.33 Cosplay

Top 5 per Group goes to next round.
Voting for the qualifying round has ended.


Cosplayer: TATTO
Character Name: Asuka Langely Shikinami
Series Name: Rebuild of Evangelion 3.33: You can (not) redo (Q)
Comments: Made entirely of 4-way stretch shiny and matte vinyl with sharpie details, patterned from scratch by me. Dark red leg stripes and other color blocks are sewn in (no topstitching). Backpack and other armor details are vinyl with foam. Wig is 2 wigs sewn together. Altogether about 2 weeks of work! Debuted at Katsucon 2013.

I have a lot of feelings about 3.0 not all of which are good but that’s only because it was such a wacky and stressful movie that created more questions than it answered lmfao. I REALLY LOVE SHINJI AND KAWORU but that’s pretty much all we got so the lack of Asuka (not to mention all the adults weeehhh) made me pretty sad :< but my babes Jenni and Mariel and I decided to do Mari & Rei & Asuka anyway!!! PLUGSUIT BAAAAAAAAAABES

Country and State: USA, California
Photographer: Soulfire Photography @ soulfirestudio.com


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