Otaku House Cosplay Idol FAQ
Otaku House Cosplay Idol FAQ
0. Why should I join the Otaku House Cosplay Idol? So if you’d like to give your cosplay work lots of exposure and receive more opportunities, join the contest! Oh and did we mention there’s USD4000 worth of prizes to be won? -winks- 1. Who is eligible? 3. What are the rules? 4. Who must I cosplay as? 5. When is the deadline to submit my photo? But as my granny used to say : “the early bird gets more worms”, submit your photo earlier to collect more votes! 6. How do I vote for a cosplayer I like? 7. Do tweets count as a vote? 8. Do I have to make my own costumes? As much as we would like to enforce this, we cannot make self-made costumes a rule as it is impossible to enforce this for an online contest. An original looking costume may be store bought and then further customized, or may be commissioned, or may even be made by the cosplayer’s grandmother. In fact, an original looking costume to Guy A may look store bought to Guy B. What if only the prop is store bought? What about that pair or Sharingan contacts or the waraji sandals? Is dyed hair better than wigs? Who styled the wigs? … And the list goes on (you get the idea)… We also cannot require the cosplayers to open up their costume making portfolios online. The web is an uncontrolled environment, and it is unfair for them to be compelled to share their costume-making secrets to the world unless they choose to do so; unsolicited. We believe most voters can tell which costumes are obviously store bought, and vote with their convictions. We believe if the cosplay community cannot accept store-bought costumes, a particular participant will not get votes. There are many criteria to a great cosplay. So voting can be based on these points; like how well the cosplayer portrayed the character, costume likeness, props’ details, facial expressions, characters’ personality through poses etc. We decided to leave it to the voters to vote with their personal definition of cosplay. We have ran an opinion poll on whether the general community thinks that effort in making a costume is THE key criteria of a good cosplay, and it seems that there is no consensus on this issue. At the end of the day, this is an online cosplay contest where judges; in this case the public, cannot feel the fabric of the costumes. So cosplayers must capture the essence of the character they are cosplaying as to get votes. 9. Can I like my photos myself, and can I get my friends to like my photo? 10. Can I submit more than 1 photo? 11. Which category should I submit under? If you are holding dual/multiple citizenships which are cross-continent, you are then free to choose which region’s category to represent. To avoid controversy, we may request documentations to prove your citizenship. If you have submitted under a wrong category, the photo will be removed and disqualified. You can re-submit under the correct category, but all previous votes will be void. 12. Can I like another contestant’s photo even though I’m competing? 13. When and where is the cosplay competition? 14. Why doesn’t the facebook ‘Like’ numbers and Google +1 numbers tally with the counter of total votes? Anyway, to make it fair, the main counter ONLY captures the ‘likes’ and Google +1 clicked directly on your page as a valid vote. Also, to prevent fans from creating multiple accounts to bump up their favorite cosplayer’s votes, the main counter only registers 1 vote per IP address. (Yes, if your entire family shares one computer, the votes only count as 1) Fair and square; because we care! 15. I am a cosplayer who submitted my photo, and people I don’t know have tagged themselves on my photo! What can I do to remove them? We ban users whom we believe are malicious to the community. If you find a tagger whom you believe to be malicious, or that they are trying to impersonate you, inform us by emailing to cosplayidol[@]otakuhouse.com with the direct link to your photo, your facebook account name, the account name of the the tagger, and we’ll remove them. 16. Can I submit a photo of another cosplayer I photographed myself? 17. Can I submit a photograph of me and my friends/family cosplaying? 18. Some annoying assholes are trolling on my photo! What should I do? While we do our best to moderate comments, our resources to moderate the sheer numbers are limited, and thus rely alot on community watch among voters and contestants as well. So we appreciate all reports of misuse! 19. What are the prizes for the contest? 20. What is this “Special Rule” for Latin America category I heard about? So tell all your friends about this contest and let’s not make this category obsolete! If you have any other queries not listed here, feel free to email our team at cosplayidol[@]otakuhouse.com! |