
Cosplayer: Jennifer Violante / SHADOW Cosplay

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Started cosplaying since: 2001

Fave fictional character: Female: Bayonetta / Male: Maze from Fable the lost chapters

Hometown: Lecco, Italy

A Little About Me

Maybe sometimes people doesn’t understand who I am and what I do. Because I don’t only do cosplay, but I like enjoying many other artistic activities: digital art, illustration, painting, photography, posing as a photo model, post-production, scuplting, etc.

More than once people said me “Sorry, but I didn’t understand exactly what you do”.

Finally… everything and nothing :) I’d like to thank all those people who are having the patience to follow my eclecticity and all those who sustained me so far.

If you want to follow my works, you find me as “Daelyth” at Deviant Art.

Cosplay 1

Character: Lara Croft

Series: Tomb Raider

Description: Lara Croft has been my first real cosplay, in the far (if I remember well) 2001. Today, I’m still bond to the most classical image of Lara, the first Tomb Raiders’ one. I had a love-hate with her, from the beginning’s hate she slowly had managed to conquer me.

I made several cosplays (and instant cosplays) of the beautyful archeologist, but this time I wanted to make something more colorful. That’s why I chosed a vivid blue fabric instead of a jaden one, red spectacles instead of dark ones and read shoelaces instead of white. I like this combination, even if it doesn’t follow exactly the original.

Cosplay 2

Character: Bayonetta

Series: Bayonetta

Description: I adore Bayonetta because despite of her sexy look, she’s extremely amusing and funny! It’s really a complex costume, and making it has been reall hell! ^^’ I tried to reproduce most details I could, but for not having found the correct materials o, in general, for the difficulty, it has’nt been possible to perfectionate it furtherly. At the costume I attached real chains, and maybe I would have better used cloth ones, because moving is difficult. It’s hard also walking with those enormous wooden pistols attached to the shoes’ heels.

The hairstyling was made by a system of extensions rolled with my real hairs. I even loaded a tutorial about it on YouTube ;) I think this is my best cosplay!

Cosplay 3

Character: Character: The Baroness

Series: G.I. Joe

Description: Maybe the character most similar to me, physically: glasses, agressivesness and very long black hairs. I already prepared a cosplay of Baroness two-three years ago, that wasn’t very good because, unfortunatelly, I’m not so good in creating armors.

This time, thing that may make self-made cosplay addicted discuss about, Pit Viper Studios created for me this beautiful costume composed by pectoral, wrist and leg protection and the belt. In this case, the merit for making the costume is not mine, but I hope I’ve been good at least at wearing it! Besides that, even only to admire without using it, the armour in wonderful and I’m very happy to have it.

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