412 340 297 323 1372
 Idol Factor  Cosplay 1  Cosplay 2  Cosplay 3  Total Score [?]The final score from the total of the other four scores.
To vote, click on the Google +1 or Facebook Like on each section.

Idol Factor [?]Idol Factor is very much like someone having lots of x-factor. Vote if:
(a) you feel a connection with the cosplayer
(b) you want to see / find out more about this cosplayer
(c) the cosplayer inspires you in any way
(d) you simply just cannot get enough of him / her!.


Cosplayer: Elffi
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Started cosplaying since: 2006
Fave fictional character: Kurosaki Ichigo
Hometown: Sotkamo, Finland

A Little About Me

I appreciate that people throw me comments and sometimes like my works.

I started cosplaying because I love to make things by handicraft. I like to invent new methods by myself and adapt new techniques.

In cosplay you can use your brain and invent new methods more easily than in any other hobby. That's why I like to try everything and enjoy the spirit of the moment while building my new costume. I have also met my most awesome friends trough cosplay.

Cosplay has widened my level of thinking, and I'm very grateful for that.

So, thank you everyone! ^___^ o/

Cosplay 1

Character: Vash The Stampede
Series: Trigun

Cosplay 1 [?]This is the total number of people that voted for Cosplay 1. Click Google +1 or Facebook Like to vote for this photo.

Description: Trigun is kinda old anime, but I always loved the music and athmosphere of it. Vash attidude and personality resembles mine, so I wanted to cosplay as him.

Photo Credits: Jacob Åberg

Cosplay 2

Character: Gilgamesh
Series: Fate Stay Ataraxia

Cosplay 2 [?]This is the total number of people that voted for Cosplay 2. Click Google +1 or Facebook Like to vote for this photo.

Description: I always loved Gilgamesh's armors and tattoos. His blond hair and attituded are kinda awesome also. That's why I made this cosplay.

Cosplay 3

Character: Gildarts Clive
Series: Fairy Tail

Cosplay 3 [?]This is the total number of people that voted for Cosplay 3. Click Google +1 or Facebook Like to vote for this photo.

Description: The most awesome adult character in Fairy Tail is Gildarts. I wanted to make honour to this character and cosplay as him.

Photo Credits: www.facebook.com/Calssara

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