Cosplayer: Enji NightAge: 21
Gender: female
Started cosplaying since: 2009
Fave fictional character: Supergirl
Hometown: Hungary, Budapest
A Little About Me
Hey everyone!! I'm Enji, a cosplayer from Hungary. I feel very honored to be one of the european finalists.I want to say thank you to everyone who voted for me, you make me very happy!! :)
Cosplay 1
Character: Ms Marvel/Carol Danvers
Series: Marvel series

Description: This is my latest costume. I planed this character over a year and finally I could cosplay her! :) I choose black artificial leather for the leotard, gloves and boots and gold artificial leather for the flash symbol. The base of the mask is from funfoam, which I covered with the black leather fabric.
Photo credits: Elena Kucheruk/Pugoffka
Cosplay 2
Character: Firefox
Series: Web browser

Description: I choose this character because of the idea. The fireofox was always my favorite browser and one day this idea had came in to my mind and I tought, why not?:D I made the costume from orange faux fur. The claws are from air-drying modeling clay. For the base of the paws and ears I used sponge.
Photo credits: Bal·zs S·rmai
Cosplay 3
Character: Mario
Series : Super Mario

Description: The Mario games is probably still my favorite nintendo game. This was the game of my childhood. :D Mario was always my favorite, so I decided to make an original design of his female version. :)
Photo credits: Norbert Czinege
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