Cosplayer: AttycaAge: 22
Gender: Female
Started cosplaying since: 2007
Fave fictional character: Lin Bei Fong, Cloud Strife, Zuko (just to name a few...)
Hometown: Ontario, Canada
A Little About Me
I'm in my final year of college, working towards a bachelor degree in animation, and have been cosplaying for roughly 6 years. I've gotten lucky in that my hobbies compliment each other, making me more skilled in both art and cosplay construction.I really wish I had more time to make costumes but unfortunately real life likes to take over, but my favourite aspect is definitely prop/armour construction.
I usually crossplay because I tend to like male outfits better, and the fact that they cover my bits adequately. Thank-you to everyone who has followed my work and voted for me here!
Cosplay 1
1. Character: Cloud Strife
Series: Kingdom Hearts version

Description: I've always loved Cloud, but definitely thought his Vincent accents in the KH version made him look extra badass.
Photo credits: Jack Liu
Cosplay 2
Character: Juto
Series: Magna Carta 2

Description: I'm a big fan of Hyung Tae Kim's character designs and when I saw Juto's outfit I knew I had to make ittttt. I love making armour so it was a lot of fun to make...and a learning process.
Photo credits: Henry Cheung
Cosplay 3
Character: Lin Bei Fong
Series Name: Legend of Korra

Description: Lin Bei Fong is a friggin' BAMFFF. How could I NOT want to cosplay her?
Photo credits: Jack Liu
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