Cosplayer: Euphoria/EuphieAge: 20
Gender: Female
Started cosplaying since: 2005
Fave fictional character: Sesshomaru from Inuyasha
Hometown: USA, New Jersey
A Little About Me
Hello, everyone! My name is Euphoria and I began to cosplay in 2005 with my first costume being Nuriko from Fushigi Yuugi. Cosplay is a huge part of my life and is something I try my best to do despite its high expense. I have made a total of fifteen costumes and have many more I wish to make!I want to thank all of my voters on my Envy cosplay and all of the wonderful comments and feedback I have received and I wouldn't be a finalist if it weren't for you! It makes me really happy to know I have done a well enough job with my seven years of cosplay background, but I still have a lot to learn and I hope I will be able to please everyone with my future cosplays!
Cosplay 1
Character: Aerith Gainsborough
Series: Final Fantasy VII

Description: Aerith was a lot of fun to be! Although her costume was made last minute and isn't as neat as I wanted it to be, I am quite satisfied with how she came out!
Photo credits: TheBigTog
Cosplay 2
Character: Yoko Kurama
Series: Yu Yu Hakusho

Description: Lots of foxy fun! I made a yarn tail after several failed attempts and I am in love with it's fluffiness! Yoko Kurama is one of my favourite characters of all time and I was really glad I was able to cosplay as him! The vines on my arm were a pain to construct as well as painful to wear due to the florist wire scratching my skin. Yoko is definitely one of my most relaxing costumes to wear and it is super comfortable!
Photo credits: TheBigTog
Cosplay 3
Character: Princess Garnet
Series: Final Fantasy IX

Description: I spent over 80 hours over the course of six months on this cosplay with nearly 43 hours dedicated to hand embroidery! I won Best Craftsmanship at AnimeNEXT 2010 for this cosplay. Total number of leaves: 403 Total number of fleur de lis: 14
Photo credits: TheBigTog
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