Cosplayer: FanService RenjiAge: 25
Gender: Male
Started cosplaying since: 2007
Fave fictional character: Ang from Avatar the Last Airbender
Hometown: United States, Michigan
A Little About Me
Hey this is FanService Renji and I just wanted to thank everyone who has made it possible for me to be a finalist. I originally entered Otaku House Idol because my number 1 fan asked me to. She wanted others to enjoy what I do as much as she did. I couldn't say no to her. This competition has never been about me so neither will any potential prizes. I already told Ramencon I am donating all the prizes to their annual charity auction if I do happen to make it further.Thanks again everyone! I feel honored to just be a finalist and feel like a winner already!
Cosplay 1
Character: Ryu Hayabusa
Series: Ninja Gaiden or Dead or Alive (video games)

Description: This is my 4th attempt at making my own cosplay. I still didn’t have a mannequin at this point so I resorted to having a friend trace my body outline on paper to start a pattern. I used vinyl for most of the shirt and pants. Isolated the muscles and stuffed with batting. Props and head piece were made with various foam and card stock.
Cosplay 2
Character: Kakashi Hatake
Series: Naruto

Description: I had a friend help me make vest pattern for a tight fit. I eye balled the other details on the vest such as the pockets. I made them out of card stock before actually committing to cutting fabric. I cut and spent 12hrs styling the wig. My legs are wrapped with athletic tape straight onto my skin and was very painful to take off.
Cosplay 3
Character: Cloud Strife
Series: Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children

Description: Cloud was one of my first cosplay that I made myself. I had no idea how to build props. The best part of this outfit is the shoulder armor. I took the lid off my fairly new trash can because it was the shape I was looking for. The shirt and pants were just altered clothing form thrift store. I used foam and card stock for the sword. I grew and died my hair blonde just for this cosplay.
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