Cosplayer: Ginger Anne LondonAge: 29
Gender: Female
Started cosplaying since: 2006
Fave fictional characters: Lestat De Lioncourt, Sir Integra Hellsing and Lady Oscar
Hometown: USA, Boston, MA
A Little About Me
I'm a scifi/fantasy fiction novelist and detailed illustrator for my own graphic novel, Phoenix. Writing and storytelling have been a part of me for many years, since I was a young adult.I was always motivated and inspired by characters and stories and with cosplay, it allows me to dig deeper into them. I am currently in the process of publishing my first book, Kain and then my trilogy series, Phoenix.
I also enjoy writing music, so I play piano to relax and have composed many works for my own CD, also to be released. For fun, I host and direct in my British sketch comedy web series titled Hellsing HQ, based off the popular manga/anime series, Hellsing. With it, I just love to entertain and make people laugh.
With my works, I hope to inspire others to do the things they love and let no one stop them or tell them it's a waste of time. Life is too short, so do what makes you happy. Thanks to everyone who voted for me, may you all shine like the stars you are.
Cosplay 1
Character: Link
Series: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Description: This costume was a lot of fun to wear. I remember playing twilight princess for the first time and getting his Zora armor in the game. I fell in love! I just loved how it fit his body, the color blue with the shiny scale mail and his fancy helmet to match. I just knew I had to cosplay the zora armor. It was my first time making scale mail and when it was finished, the mail caught the dancing lights from above beautifully. My fiancee Michela Dee was Princess Zelda that year and we had a wonderful time. They were fun memories from 2008.
Photo credits: Bruce O'bryan
Cosplay 2
Character: Lady Oscar
Series: Rose of Versailles

Description: I saw this series about ten years ago. It's an old 70's anime based off the french revolution and a heroine named Lady Oscar who is raised as a boy to defend Marie Antoinette as the captain of the royal guards. I was attending college and living with my grandmother when I saw it for the fist time. She saw the anime with me and told me I looked like the character on the screen. What I loved most is how much I related to Lady Oscar, for I have always seen myself as male rather than female. Now, being a mature adult, I have come to accept my strong female self and admire the character, Oscar, even more. She goes down as one of my favorites of all time, a strong female I admire and adore. Cosplaying her is a dream and an honor. My grandmother helped me with the costume and it was a special time with her. Very special and will never be forgotten.
Photo credits: Michela Dee
Cosplay 3
Character: Marian Hawke
Series Name: Dragon Age 2

Description: The first Dragon Age game for the Xbox/PC blew my mind and I loved the adventure it took me on. By the second game, they invited a strong female protagonist named Marian Hawke. I am a fan of Bioware's games and especially Fem Shepard from Mass Effect but Marian Hawke I found to be awesome. Set in a fantasy world with dragons and wizards, this was right up my alley. I have an armor fetish and love swords. Marian was my cosplay for 2011 and still stands as one of my favorites. Strong female characters are ones I love to cosplay most. They have something special about them. I crafted the armor and sword for this costume, enjoying every minute as I walked along side my fiancee that year at conventions who cosplayed Flemeth. Good times!
Photo credits: Michela Dee
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