Cosplayer: Jasmine Duong/ Amano MiharuAge: 17
Gender: Female
Started cosplaying since: 2012
Fave fictional character: Black Rock S
Hometown: United States, California
A Little About Me
Hello everyone! My name is Jasmine Duong but I also go by Amano Miharu as my pen/nick name. I started cosplaying at Fanime in 2012. I just recently started cosplaying, but for my first experience, I gained a great memory and love for cosplaying. Cosplaying is really fun, especially when you get to cosplay as your favorite characters and portray them.I'm still new to cosplaying, but I'm trying my best to improve my skills and one day hopefully I'll be able to make my own costumes. I would love to specially thank Nelson, Kei, Darth, and Kris for the amazing photography they took! As well as Miyuki, Viola, Miku, and Monica for all the support as well as everyone else who helped me advanced to the next round!
Cosplay 1
Character: Black Rock Shooter
Series: Black☆Rock Shooter

Description: When the anime first came out, I fell in love with it. Black Rock Shooter is one of my favorite anime! I really love Black Rock Shooter and the story behind her. She somewhat resembled me in a way. This was one my very first cosplay I have ever cosplayed and I really love how it turned out. The hardest thing about this cosplay was the make up and the wig. It was my first time wearing make up and I'm still new to it, but I'm glad it turned out great. I had a little practice before, but I'm still in the process of learning even more.
Photo credits : Kris
Cosplay 2
Character: Hatsune Miku (Version: Senbonzakura)
Series: Vocaloid

Description: It's not a series, but this version was from a song. When I first listened to the song, I fell in love with it. I really love the designs on the cosplay. The hardest part about this cosplay was walking because the shoes were really crazy. I felt like I was going to trip! The shoes don't show in the photo above, but if you'll like to see how they look you can message me or search up Hatsune Miku Senbonzakura.
Photo credits: Darth
Cosplay 3
Character: Azusa Nakano
Series: K-On

Description: I have to dedicate this to one of my best friends, Monica. She lent me this cosplay and she even made it herself! Thank you so much Monica! It was really fun doing this cosplay because it was somewhat casual, but it also felt nice because it was really relaxing in this cosplay. (P.s. the strawberries were delicious)
Photo credits: Kei
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