Cosplayer: Stella ChuuAge: 23
Gender: Female
Started cosplaying since: 2003
Fave fictional character: Rei Ayanami
Hometown: New York City, NY
A Little About Me
I love sharing my passions for gaming, anime, pop culture, and comic books. Asking me why I cosplay is like asking me why I breathe; I needs it or I will explode! Thanks for voting for me for Cosplay Idol North America. Flameo Hotmen!Cosplay 1
Character: Doll
Series: Kuroshitsuji

Description: This cosplay is an amazing collaboration between my friend and I. We poured blood sweat and tears into finishing this for Sakura Matsuri Fashion Show at Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. There are over 60 flowers in the entire outfit.
Photo credits: False Bit
Cosplay 2
Character: Lust
Series Name: Full Metal Alchemist

Description: This costume came together last minute for Escapist Expo. I had luckily found a beautiful vintage dress that fit the look of Lust.
Photo credits: www.elysiam.org
Cosplay 3
Character: Elysium
Series Name: Soul Calibur V

Description: This was my first costume I made completely 100% by hand. The shield and sword were hand carved. I adore this cosplay. It is my baby.
Photo credits: Greg Vann
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