Billy Ho: Elizabeth Midford, Kuroshitsuji Cosplay

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Voting for the qualifying round has ended.


Cosplayer: Billy Ho

Character Name:  Elizabeth Midford

Series Name: Kuroshitsuji

Comments: This dress is based on the Manga version of the Campania Arc. The main part of the dress and the bows/neck-choker/headband are made of Dupioni. The giant skirt is made of Casa satin. The gloves are made out of velveteen. The bodice underneath has the same brocade pattern as the bottom portion of the back, and white ruffles (which you can’t see in this picture). I placed the wig in two layers and made short-medium length curls to give it more bounce. And then I got clips, but those weren’t curly enough so I made larger curls from them. So yea… there’s 3 layers of curls in the wig. Oh, and I’m a boy. Complete info can be found on my DA, http://trap4u.deviantart.com/

Country: USA

Photographer: Adam Lenk (Doukana)


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