Rachel Nadine: Chandra Nalaar from Magic the Gathering Cosplay

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Voting for the qualifying round has ended.


Rachel Nadine/zerohour269

Chandra Nalaar

Magic the Gathering

This has been the most fun cosplay to make and wear! Chandra is my favorite planeswalker and there was a card recently printed with an anime version of her artwork, so I decided that would be the perfect version of her to cosplay. It was so awesome to be her for a few weekends at Anime STL and Anime Central. I made everything from hand-drafted patterns, and incorporated lens work in the goggles and gauntlet. I made a Chandra theme deck to play against other people too! I spent over 6 months making it, but it was definitely worth it and it will always be one of my favorite cosplays to wear :3


Anna Fischer @ flickr.com/photos/27594459@N04


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