Cosplayer: ■ Mizukishou ■ 【水結晶】 :
Character Name: Neko【ネコ】
Series Name: K Project
Comments: “Meow, Neko was never actually planned as cosplay, since I didn’t know the series. I was asked several times for different groups, if I would take on the Neko part. So I was looking at the pictures (Google) and almost fell off my chair, because I only found pictures of her when she was naked. xD I thought, that was joke. Someday, I watched the series and when she showed up, I felt in love with her. (She is not pretty useless and only pure fanservice, as everyone says! >.< Think about Shiro!) She is a little bit annoying and rather greedy, but that’s really cute in a special way. I love the way, she treats Kuro. Her whole attitude is just sweetly. I tried to represent her as cute as possible. xD; Haha, NEKOS LITTLE KITTY DELIVERY. <3 Enjoy it! :3~ *chu* – Mizukishou“
Country and State: Germany, Europe
Photographer: Martin Graubaum
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