Saphira: Kakyuu ouhi from Sailor Moon Cosplay

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Cosplayer: Saphira (https://www.facebook.com/SaphiraCosplay)

Character Name: Kakyuu ouhi

Series Name: Sailor Moon Stars

Comments: This was one of my first cosplays, so it involved a lot of first times: first time i styled a wig( for the longest time i just looked at it, i didn’t know where to start!), first time working with chiffon(*OMG, what a pain! XD*), fisrt time working with expensive fabric( *OMG, i don’t wanna ruin iiiit!*). I think it came out pretty well, though, and even now(yes, i only had a shoot now!), a few years after having worn it for the first time, i can still wear it and be proud of my work back then =) Please tell me what you think! ^^

Country: Portugal

Photographer: InĂªs Amano


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