Cosplayer: Sora Wonderland
Character name: Sora
Series name: Kingdom Hearts II
Country: Jalisco, Mexico
Coments: well, this is one of my favorites costumes because i love the videogame in first place and the second one its because i dont have a lot of cosplay, i thing, this is a big experience and each one of us takes a diferent way. We´ll not be here forever, but we should always be proud of how we live. This is a wonderful way to show how we express ourselves, and one day when we’re in this medium, i can remember this moment as the first one of many who want to have, because I’m just starting out and i want to be on the rigth way, i hope doing well. Thank you for this oportunity!!
Photographer: Domus Graphic & Pitikaruz photos
Sora Wonderland: Sora from Kingdom Hearts II Cosplay
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